8 min read
Jared Silitonga | Social Listening - Oct 7, 2020

How Social Listening is Transforming Market Research in 2020

Real-time consumer insights have grown more imperative for companies conducting market research. In fact, 51% of marketing leaders worldwide obtained incisive information through social listening tools during Covid-19. With close...
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6 min read
Sophia Guan | Consumer Insights - Aug 28, 2020

Case Studies: Product Marketing Strategies Built on Consumer Insights

We often hear of companies who’ve seen massive improvements in sales, revenue and market share through the use of consumer insights from social media. But just how do they do this?
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10 min read
Sophia Guan | Consumer Insights - Aug 20, 2020

6 Ways Consumer Insights Improve Customer’s Experiences

Can you remember when you had a bad experience with a company and decided almost immediately after to give them another chance? The answer, most likely, is no. Bad experiences leave a lingering bitter taste in our mouths and our...
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8 min read
Sophia Guan | Consumer Insights - Aug 14, 2020

Optimizing Consumer Insights with Social Listening

This blog will take you through an essential, but often overlooked, use of social media listening and analytics: gathering and analyzing consumer insights.
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5 min read 3 Mistakes Consumer Insights Professionals Make And How To Correct Them - Digimind
Micah Levin | Digital Marketing - Jul 20, 2020

3 Mistakes Consumer Insights Professionals Make And How To Correct Them

The current market landscape in 2020 looks unlike that of its predecessor, 2019, in that all insights professionals are faced with a slew of challenges directly tied to consumers. Despite record sales in specific industries that...
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9 min read
Melissa Chue | Consumer Insights - Jun 29, 2020

4 Types of Consumer Insights You Can Derive from Analyzing Social Media Users

Just as the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, the way to your customers’ hearts (and wallets) is through understanding their behavior, needs, and wants. In fact, a 2020 study on customer expectations by Gladly found...
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6 min read 3 Effective Stages to Ensure High-Quality Consumer Insights Through Social Listening
Jared Silitonga | Customer experience - Jun 26, 2020

3 Effective Stages to Ensure High-Quality Consumer Insights Through Social Listening

With big data in abundance, one area most businesses are zero-ing on in their aim to increase growth is consumer data. According to a 2018 survey by Google, around 40% of marketers are using consumer research to drive decisions....
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4 min read Digi52 (1)
Susanne Morris | Events - Oct 22, 2019

3 Key Social Listening Strategies For Understanding Deeper Consumer Insights

At our first ever SocializeDC, marketers from leading brands and agencies joined Digimind for an informative evening of panel discussions, networking, and after work treats. We welcomed Social Listening and Insights Manager Mary ...
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12 min read get-analyze-use-consumer-insights
Melissa Chue | Build Strategy - Oct 11, 2018

Social Media Insights : How to Get, Analyze, and Use Consumer Insights

A holistic consumer insights strategy should attain and analyze data from multiple sources such as focus groups, surveys, website data, sales data, and social media. This article will focus on social media as a source for...
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8 min read the-benefits-of-customer-profiling-for-brands
Graeme Anderson | Brands - Jan 4, 2018

The Benefits of Customer Profiling for Brands

Brands have been collecting data on customers, consumers and prospects for as long as they’ve been marketing to them. Customer profiling is invaluable in developing differentiated products and services. Netflix, for example, uses...
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