1 min read
Melissa Chue - Jun 15, 2015

[INFOGRAPHIC] Which #socialmediaplatform is the best for your business?

Social media is all the rage, and marketers worth their salt are taking to it to engage their customers and grow their brand. This infographic shows you how best to leverage social media for your business needs.


This infographic was created by Venngage: Make beautiful infographics for free.

Strictly speaking, there is no “one size fits all” strategy when it comes to social media. Familiarising yourself with each platform, as well as maintaining consistency in your postings and engagement is key to building a strong social media identity for your brand.

Want to find out how to get these kind of data-driven insights for your own brand? For a live demo of Digimind Social and learn how to excel with social media visite Digimind.com.

Written by Melissa Chue

Melissa is a digital advocate who loves diving into the latest trends in digital and social media. Since joining Digimind’s marketing team in 2015, she has written studies for over 15 industries in Asia Pacific. When she is not telling stories about data, Melissa can be found exploring her favourite cafes and hangouts on Instagram @chuepachups.