1 min read
Melissa Chue - Dec 29, 2015

INFOGRAPHIC: Counting down to 2016 on social media [Singapore edition]

As we count down to 2016, we at Digimind put on our listening ears to find out what the top New Year's resolutions are on social media in Singapore.

Judging from the data collected over December, it looks like money, travel and exercise are at the top of Singaporeans' New Year's resolutions!

View the full infographic below:



Written by Melissa Chue

Melissa is a digital advocate who loves diving into the latest trends in digital and social media. Since joining Digimind’s marketing team in 2015, she has written studies for over 15 industries in Asia Pacific. When she is not telling stories about data, Melissa can be found exploring her favourite cafes and hangouts on Instagram @chuepachups.