2 min read
Cate Farrall - Aug 28, 2014

Digimind Intelligence Product Update: Expanded URL Store & Tags

The URL Store

The URL Store is a ready-to-use set of URLs for RSS feeds that you can track very easily. Using the tags in the store, you can quickly create a targeted pack of sources, and then give these packs to agents who will track them for you. To find out more about the URL store, click here >>

URL Store - Lean and Fit

While most of us were simply sitting on the beach, reading and eating ice-creams, the URL Store got into shape over the summer. First off, we have now got more than 100,000 URLs in the store!

100,000 URLs

We have also reworked the All Tags section to ensure the tags contain the correct sources for that particular area, and of course we've added some new sources and some new tags.

There are now 432 tags in the All Tags section, which we hope will cover a large part of your needs.  For more details about the tags in this section, please read this post >>

In addition, you can continue to add your own sources and tags to the URL Store to personalize it to match your needs. To find out more about adding sources and tags to the URL Store, follow this link >>


Written by Cate Farrall

Cate is our Training Manager at Digimind's Paris office.