Turn Tweets into Sales Using Twitter Advanced Search

Written by Jerome Maisch | Nov 20, 2014 3:47:47 PM

Both underrated and underused, Twitter Advanced Search might be exactly what you need to leverage Twitter for lead generation.  Advanced Search allows you to navigate the sea of conversations happening amongst 200 million active users, helping you find the right people and participate in useful conversations.

You can start by making a list of keywords and hashtags related to your business.  This includes influencers, competitors, trending industry topics, events, etc.  If you are an ad agency looking to gain new accounts, you could search industry events and scope out potential leads within related conversations.  Be creative with your search to keep generating new results.  From here, the Advanced Search helps you further refine your results and obtain the information most relevant to you.  The various fields help you find & omit specific terms & hashtags, filter by date, and even monitor sentiment.

Take advantage of the various filters on the tool.  The localization and language filters will help you better locate prospects in your area.  You can also narrow the type of results: people, photos, videos, news, people you follow, near you, etc.  For lead generation, the “People” filter will allow you to pull up those accounts whose usernames or bios match your search query.  If I were a B2B company selling CRM software, I would target sales representatives and directors, looking through various bios containing “sales”.

Once you’ve found a group of local, like-minded prospects, you can make your move.  How you do this depends on your business, approach, and industry.  If there are people tweeting about, and potentially looking for your product or service, this presents a perfect opportunity to reach out and invite them to check out your business.  Overall, participating in relevant discussions and sharing engaging industry-related content is a great starting point to build a community of followers and prospects.