Eurovision 2024: Analyzing Consumer Sentiment on Performers and Sponsorships

Written by CYL | May 31, 2024 9:57:51 AM

This year's Eurovision Song Contest has been unlike any other, marked by significant controversy from various angles. Many believe it to be the most contentious edition in the event's history, primarily due to the political mire from the ongoing Israel-Gaza war. So, what can we learn from social media?

What is Eurovision?

The Eurovision Song Contest is an annual international music competition organized by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). Participating nations submit an original song performed live, broadcast to national audiences, and vote for each other's entries to determine the winner.


Eurovision is considered one of the most-watched non-sporting events globally, drawing hundreds of millions of viewers annually. The contest often boosts the careers of participating artists, with notable former competitors including ABBA, Celine Dion, Julio Iglesias, Cliff Richard, and Olivia Newton-John. Some of the world's best-selling singles debuted on the Eurovision stage.


Eurovision 2024: Unlike Any Other


Graph of "Eurovision" Mentions from 1-19th May 2024


Initial Steady Mentions (01/05 - 06/05): The number of mentions starts relatively modest, fluctuating between approximately 62,000 and 109,000 mentions per day.


Significant Spike (07/05 - 14/05): There was a dramatic increase in mentions starting on May 7th, peaking at an extraordinary 2,241,771 mentions on May 11th. This period corresponds with the main events of the Eurovision contest, including rehearsals, semi-finals, and the grand final (11 May), which typically generate substantial social media and media coverage.


Post-Event Decline (15/05 - 19/05): Following the peak, mentions sharply declined. By the 19th of May, mentions had dropped back down to the levels observed at the beginning of the month, indicating the end of the immediate post-event discussions and coverage.



Crisis Surrounding Eurovision 2024:

Key Concepts of "Eurovision" Mentions from 1-19th May 2024


The sentiment surrounding Eurovision 2024 was affected by geopolitical tensions involving the Israel-Gaza conflict. This year's competition faced heavy scrutiny, with some critics arguing that the event was overshadowed by the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Some suggested that holding a celebratory event amid a crisis could be perceived as insensitive, emphasizing the need to consider current global issues in the context of such events.


Conversely, others advocate for the separation of art and politics, emphasizing that Eurovision should remain a neutral ground for cultural exchange and entertainment. They argue that the contest's primary aim is to unite people through music without being burdened by political conflicts.


Needless to say, the controversy has polarized audiences and participants, creating a charged atmosphere with political undertones.


Key Highlights:

The data reveals that the most discussed key concepts regarding Eurovision 2024 revolve around Israel's participation, with significant emphasis on the ongoing Palestinian crisis.

  1. Geopolitical Context:
    • Israel (39,628 mentions) and Gaza (7,919 mentions)
    • Boycott Eurovision (9,239 mentions) and Free Palestine (2,366 mentions)
    • Banned Russia (5,853 mentions) and Genocide (3,269 mentions)
  2. Event-Specific Terminology:
    • Eurovision Song (23,223 mentions) and Song Contest (5,925 mentions)
    • Eurovision2024 (13,287 mentions) and ESC2024 (3,871 mentions)
  3. Notable Individuals:
    • Eden Golan (16,443 mentions) / Singer Eden Golan (2,775 mentions)
    • Greta Thunberg (6,169 mentions)
    • Slimane (5,531 mentions), Kahlissee (5,430 mentions), Joost Klein (5,369 mentions), Bambie Thug (4,680 mentions), and Angelina Mango (4,085 mentions)
  4. Host Country:
    • Malmo (12,383 mentions) and Malmo Arena (3,421 mentions)
    • Sweden (9,783 mentions)

Response Online to Eurovision 2024

Social media platforms have seen numerous calls to boycott Eurovision, highlighting the perceived hypocrisy in allowing Israel to participate while banning Russia. One prominent tweet urges people not to vote, watch, or follow Eurovision as a form of protest.




This sentiment, reflected by the top 10 associated hashtags, highlights the widespread discontent and activism significantly shaping public sentiment around the event.


Who had the loudest voices during Eurovision 2024?


Khalissee captured a widespread sentiment in a tweet that criticized what they perceive as international double standards.



This disparity, they argue, highlights a glaring inconsistency in how international governing bodies enforce their policies.


Greta Thunberg

Sentiments of Mentions from 1-19th May 2024

The controversy surrounding Eurovision 2024 has amplified with Greta Thunberg's involvement in the Malmö protest. As a global figure renowned for her environmental advocacy, Thunberg's participation in supporting Palestine drew sharp criticism and polarized public opinion.


Over two-thirds of mentions were of negative sentiment, with many arguing that her actions contradicted her advocacy for peace and sustainability



During France's Eurovision 2024 performance, Slimane delivered a moving rendition of "Mon Amour," choosing to sing a portion of the song a cappella. This climax of his performance was a musical highlight in which he used his platform to call for peace - a decision that was met with mixed reactions.



Many appreciated Slimane's heartfelt plea for peace, seeing it as a commendable use of his stage time to address a global audience with a unifying message. 



However, Slimane's response to a question about his message for Israeli viewers sparked controversy. Some netizens interpreted his perceived reluctance or indirect refusal to engage with Israeli audiences as indicative of an underlying antisemitic or antizionist sentiment.


Despite the controversy, some internet users focused on the performance's artistic merits and its impact on Slimane's ranking. Some suggested that Slimane's performance deserved a higher placement in the competition, indicating that his musical talent and the emotional weight of his message resonated with many viewers.


Joost Klein 

A notable incident was the disqualification of Joost Klein, the Netherlands' contestant, following accusations of threatening a Eurovision worker.



This decision led to a heated debate on social media, with users pointing out perceived inconsistencies in the enforcement of rules. While Klein was promptly disqualified, accusations against the Israeli delegation for allegedly intimidating and harassing other participants online did not result in similar sanctions.



This fueled a wave of frustration and led to the trending hashtag #justiceforjoostklein.



Interestingly, the disqualification has had a paradoxical effect on Klein’s popularity.


Despite his removal from the competition, Klein has broken records with his song, "Europapa," with many fans rallying behind him. Supporters argue that his disqualification reveals deeper issues within Eurovision's organizational structure and fairness.


However, public reaction around Klein is mixed: 44% of the sentiment towards Klein has been negative, reflecting accusations of alleged hypocrisy, antisemitism, and inappropriate behavior. Meanwhile, 20% of the responses are neutral, likely focusing on the procedural aspects of his disqualification, and 36% are positive, celebrating his music and newfound success.



The broader impact of Klein's disqualification is evident in the reactions of other participants, who have been taking to social media to share their negative experiences at Eurovision.



This has unveiled a domino effect, as many contestants shared grievances about their treatment and painted a troubling picture of the environment at Eurovision 2024.


Bambi Thug


Sentiments of Mentions from 1-19th May 2024


Among the most polarizing acts this year is Bambi Thug, whose participation sparked both fervent support and heated backlash.


Bambi Thug faced alleged abuse from the Israeli delegation, with accusations including being misgendered and called derogatory names, in turn leading to accusations of transphobia.


This situation was highlighted by a tweet condemning the Israeli delegation for their treatment of Bambi Thug and accusing them of encouraging hate. Supporters of Bambi Thug argue that such actions are not only abusive but also indicative of a broader issue of discrimination within the competition.


Conversely, there was also significant pushback from those defending Israel. Many social media users pointed out that Israel was the first Middle Eastern country to have a trans performer in Eurovision and is known for being a safe haven for the LGBT community in the region.


Adding another layer to the controversy, Bambi Thug made headlines for incorporating a political statement into their costume. They used the ancient Ogham Irish alphabet, despite pro-Palestine messages being banned on any artist's attire.



This act of subtle defiance resonated with many on social media, highlighting their creative protest and adding to their polarizing presence in the competition.


Eden Golan


Key Concepts of "Eden Golan" Mentions from 1-19th May 2024


In the competition, Eden Golan, representing Israel, has been the most controversial and polarizing figure on social media.



Her presence sparked significant debate, ranging from accusations towards Eurovision of ignoring the devastating impact of the ongoing Israel-Gaza war to being a symbol of hope for Israelis.


Critics accuse her of promoting propaganda, as reflected in this tweet:



Despite her presence resulting in a mass protest in Malmo, Golan also received praise from many, including Gal Gadot, an outspoken supporter of Israel, during the global conflict.


The positive sentiments toward her come from those who believe her presence is one of "bravery," "standing up" for Israel.


A week after her controversial performance, she sang "October Rain," the original version of "Hurricane," which had been censored for being too political. This performance was impactful and praised by many:



Eurovision Sponsors: Consumer Sentiments and Response


It is primarily a B2B hair brand working directly with salons, but this year, it has launched and advertised to consumers a special edition pack leveraging the Eurovision brand alongside a volume promotion. The focus of the sponsorship seems to remain its presence behind the scenes at the show itself—both offering hair and makeup services to the contestants and, even more crucially, with a monster hospitality program of its own, which is so large it runs separately from the other advertisers. 


byu/Hominek from discussion


However, users on platforms like Reddit have expressed bewilderment regarding Moroccanoil's decision to sponsor Eurovision, considering that their primary business model is B2B. Comments reflect a lack of understanding of the alignment between the brand and the event, with some users questioning Moroccanoil's return on investment in this context.


The sentiment on Twitter is similarly perplexed. One user highlighted the perceived imbalance between the sponsorship expenditure and the benefits, pointing out the high costs associated with security and the controversies surrounding the event. This sentiment captures a broader skepticism about the effectiveness and strategic alignment of Moroccanoil's sponsorship.

Recommendations: Risk Mitigation




Many consumers have responded positively to EasyJet's Eurovision-themed promotions. Tweets celebrating the 'camp' nature of their advertisements and the in-flight Eurovision experience highlight a sense of fun and engagement.

 Sentiments of Mentions from 1-19th May 2024


One user tweeted, “This new Scooch Eurovision advert for EasyJet is beyond camp, and I’m here for it,” reflecting the delight in the brand’s playful approach.



Passengers have shared positive experiences with the themed flights, which included Eurovision goody bags, 12-point paddles, and music to enhance their journey. Comments like “BEST FLIGHT EVER!” highlight the success of these initiatives in creating memorable customer experiences.


Unsurprisingly, the most significant negative feedback revolves around geopolitical issues. Some consumers criticized EasyJet for sponsoring Eurovision due to Israel's participation as sponsoring events during this period of intense conflict are perceived by consumers as a form of complicity.



Negative comments about operational issues like flight delays also exist. While these constitute a smaller portion of the feedback, they are persistent concerns that could overshadow the positive aspects of the sponsorship.



1. Strategic Alignment and Brand Fit:

    • Brand Visibility and Engagement: EasyJet’s sponsorship of Eurovision aligns well with its brand image of providing accessible and enjoyable travel experiences. The airline’s playful and vibrant promotional activities resonate with Eurovision’s celebratory and inclusive spirit, helping strengthen brand visibility and consumer engagement.
    • Risk of Brand Dilution: However, the association with Eurovision also poses a risk of brand dilution. The event’s broad and diverse audience might not align perfectly with EasyJet’s target market. The playful advertising, while engaging for some, might not appeal to all demographics, potentially alienating segments of their customer base.
  1. Geopolitical Controversies and Ethical Considerations:
    • Consumer Backlash: This backlash highlights the ethical considerations brands must navigate when sponsoring high-profile international events, highlighting the need for EasyJet to proactively address these concerns through corporate communication strategies or by supporting causes aligned with their values.

Recommendations: Proactive Communication, Crisis Mitigation




Idealista, a major real estate marketplace, is a sponsor of the Eurovision Song Contest. The sponsorship aims to elevate Idealista's brand visibility and engage with a broad European audience. 


Sentiment of Mentions from 1-19th May 2024



Some consumers express confusion over the relevance of a real estate marketplace sponsoring a largely entertainment-focused event, resulting in misalignment, ineffective brand messaging, and diluted brand identity.



Comments from social media platforms reflect this sentiment, with one user stating, “From other current sponsors, I doubt Bailey's would be considered appropriate for a mostly PG-rated event. I don't think many people care about cruises enough to be interested in seeing a Royal Caribbean sponsorship, and I have no idea what Idealista is.”

Additionally, Idealista has been associated with negative connotations of being implicit in the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict, as reflected by its top five hashtags and negative sentiment, without the same positive feedback from consumers as seen for EasyJet.

Recommendations: Consumer Engagement, Proactive Communication, Influencer Identification


Royal Caribbean

Royal Caribbean’s sponsorship of Eurovision appeared well aligned with its brand image of offering enjoyable and memorable experiences, complimenting Eurovision's festive and international nature.



With an overwhelmingly positive sentiment, it was the execution of the brand's marketing and advertising creative that saw some negative sentiment creeping in. This suggests that enhancing the visual appeal and ensuring a cohesive brand message are crucial for maximizing the sponsorship’s impact in the future for this brand.




Brands to take on Proactive Measures to Preserve High Consumer Resonance

The controversies at Eurovision 2024 could set precedents for how sponsors approach other large-scale cultural events. Companies across various industries may become more cautious and deliberate in their sponsorship decisions, prioritizing events that align more closely with their brand values, ethics, and public expectations.


Powered by Digimind's best-in-class social listening suite, brands like yours leverage social listening signals to analyze stakeholder reactions to your communications and marketing activations over any period, including historical data.

Social listening refers to the tracking and analyzing of online conversations and trends happening around a given topic, brand, or industry as a whole. The scope of your social listening objective is defined by smart data generated from specific words, phrases, or long-stretching queries.
Social listening can help sponsors, brands, event organizers, and artists monitor public sentiment and make informed decisions to better navigate the complex landscape of modern cultural events.

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